Why Are Elastin & Collagen Important to Healthy, Younger Skin?
Why Are Elastin & Collagen Important to Healthy, Younger Skin?
June 09, 2014
Because Elastin and Collagen are the Building Blocks of You Skin!
Collagen and elastin are the structure of the skin that maintains both elasticity and firmness. In other words, collagen gives your skin firmness while elastin keeps your skin tight. As you age, especially after age 25, your skin slows down the production of elastin and collagen. That is why we start seeing fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin as we age. Other factors such as sun and tanning bed exposure, hydration, smoking, sleep, and heredity all contribute to how our skin looks as we get older.
There are lots of products available with collagen and elastin molecules. But not all collagen and elastin products are created equally! The only way to boost collagen and elastin in the skin is to jump start the (fibroblast) cells in our skin to increase their production. Fibroblast cells are what produce collagen and elastin. So your skin needs a product that is formulated to do just that!
How do you chose the right Collagen and Elastin product?
Look for products also that contain Vitamin A (retinol), peptides or products containing a transdermal ingredient such as squalene or emu oil. These help the molecules of elastin and collagen penetrate through to top layer of skin (dermis) to the middle layer of skin (the epidermis-where the fibroblast cells are located) and jump start new production of elastin and collagen. Just because a product has elastin or collagen in it does not mean that it will penetrate through the top layer of skin and be effective.
Look for products that include other skin repairing and nourishing ingredients such as Vitamins E and D, Aloe Vera and Panthenol, which helps to replenish and hold moisture in your skin. Fragrance and dye free is another factor to look for because people with sensitive skin are most allergic to fragrance and dyes.
Look for products that are made with pharmaceutical grade ingredients-preferable from natural sources rather than man made if possible. Pharmaceutical Grade is the highest quality of ingredients available for cosmetic product production. Products can be made with shoe polish grade ingredients. The quality of the ingredients is just as important as the ingredients themselves!
Look for companies that have experience in skin structure and repair. These companies have a history of providing products that are formulated to actually do what they say they do. Also check out customer testimonials and reviews.
Marli Skin Care has been specializing in skin structure and repair products since 1980!
Our line was designed for busy women 35 and older!
They are simple and easy to use, affordable for everyone,
and do what they promise to do!
Our products are fragrance and dye free,
and use natural, pharmaceutical grade ingredients!
Better yet, our company was founded by women and
all of our products are manufactured right here in the USA!
All of our products were formulated for a specific purpose
and/or a specific skin need.
Click on a product below to see more information!

Marli Cleansing Gel Wash Marli Toner Marli Facial Scrub
With Collagen & Aloe With Collagen, Panthenol, & Aloe With Collagen, Squalane, Panthenol, & Aloe
Gentle Cleanses Face Restores PH Balance to Skin Gently Exfoliates Face, Elbows, Knees, Heels

With Collagen, Elastin, Squalane, With Collagen, Elastin, Squalane, Panthenal, With Collagen, Elastin, Squa
Pantenol, & Aloe Aloe, Vitamins E,D, & A (Retnol) Panthenol, Emu Oil
For All Ages up to 25 Years Old For Ages 25 to 35 Years For ages 30 to 40 Years Old
Also works well for those with Oily Skin Also good for Age Spots Also works well for those with Oily Skin
With Tri-Peptides, Squalane, Vitamin A (Retinol) With Collagen, Elastin, Squalane, Panthenol, Emu Oil, Aloe
For Women 40 & Older For Women 40 or Older
Great for Protection From the Elements and Age Spots Will repair Skin, Rebuild thickness of Skin, has 2x Emu Oil
Best Night Cream, Eye Cream & Dry Skin Creams on the Market!
Collagen, Elastin, Squalane, Emu Oil, Aloe Panthenol
Will Diminish the appearance of Scars Great for Body and Hair
that are up to 10 years old Retains moisture in skin & hair for up to 24 hours
Will lessen or prevent new stretch marks Prevents damage for perms, colors, heat stylings

Marli Collagen Face Lift Mask
Collagen, Albumen, Kelp, Aloe
Marli's Collagen Face Lift raises eyebrows and pulmps aging lines around the brow and forhead. It refines and restores elasticity in troubled areas. It fills in frown and smile lines and firms up your jaw line and neck giving your entire face and neck a more youthful appearance. You will see results after the very first use and the effects can be seen for up to 4 days.